How do I decide what courses to study?
Deciding which subjects to study can be difficult, below is a list of some things to consider:
- Do you have a particular career in mind that requires you to have studied a certain subject?
- What do you enjoy studying?
- What sort of learning suits you best?
- What type of assessment do you prefer? Coursework or exams?
- If you are hoping to go to University is there a requirement to take certain subjects at A level?
You do not need to make these decisions in a hurry. Talk to your parent(s)/carer(s), subject teachers, your tutor and the Post 16 teams within centres.
Mock exams and reports will all help you make an informed choice along with careful research.
The whole process of applying to Olympus Post 16 is designed to be supportive; we appreciate that narrowing down to a small selection of courses will take some students longer than others.