Olympus Academy Trust

Olympus Trust Wellbeing Support Staff Conference

We opened the event with our Keynote speaker – Nerys Hughes, Founder and Director of Whole Child Therapy who talked about A culture of belonging – every moment matters! Creating an ethos and environment that enhances mental health.  

Support staff could then select two different workshops to attend.

A really useful and thought provoking morning was spent and enjoyed by everyone.



Improving our well-being, feeling connected and strategies to manage our emotions  

The power of Connection – We look at the importance of human connection and how it is essential to our wellbeing and happiness. Connected teams have better relationships and communication. This is positive for all of the school community.

Presence – Being in the moment and how this can help with stress and anxiety, using a mixture of mindfulness and performance techniques.

Safe Care – Safe Care is a big part of high performance and can help with stress and anxiety. We explore how it so important to care for ourselves and how it can lead to better choices and resilience.

Positive Energy – This is at the heart of the Turn Lights On practice. Understanding energy, the impact of it and how you are creating and using your own energy. We tend to have a lot of “Light Bulb” moments in this session.

Georgina Jones from Turn Lights On




Menopause - Colleague Awareness Workshop

This is a fully inclusive and interactive two-hour session that is aimed at everyone – those experiencing the menopause and those who play an important supporting role.  This workshop will provide us with the latest guidance and advice – including why we need to talk about this at Olympus and recognising and understanding the symptoms.




Drugs and Alcohol: How They Have an Impact on Mental Health

This session explores what types of substances people might use and the reasons behind this, as well as how drugs and alcohol impact mental health and signposting to further support. Suitable for parents and practitioners.

Helen Cleugh




Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Tips and Tricks

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think about them. CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a negative cycle. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.

Ruth Elborn (CAMHS)





Understanding and supporting Young People with ADHD to remain in the classroom, and in school.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects people's behaviour. People with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse. For learners in school, ADHD can often lead to difficult experiences as they struggle to manage.

Nerys Hughes



Adverse Childhood Experiences

The experiences we have early in our lives and particularly in our early childhoods have a huge impact on how we grow and develop, our physical and mental health, and our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Two important factors to think about when considering our mental wellbeing, are the quality of our attachment relationships and our experience of ACEs.

Ellen Tomkies, DSL at WA




TLAC in  a Nutshell for Support Staff

This session will recap the five ‘Means of Participation’ strategies covered at the October conference for classroom-based staff.

·       Cold calling

·       Volunteers

·       Turn and Talk

·       Everybody Writes

·       Call and Response

Lucy Todd, Trust Lead SENDCo





Let’s Go Zero is a national organisation that is focused on supporting schools and local communities to become carbon zero by 2030. This session will allow us to share ideas and connect with an organisation that is already working with thousands of teachers and business owners across the UK. This session will introduce a toolkit of ideas to help us to identify ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Let’s Go Zero




Advanced Arbor Training: manipulating data for expert users of Arbor/Excel.


Andy Tetlow



Managing friendship fallouts through a girls on board approach

We have an evolutionary drive to belong and connect. For adolescents who are beginning the task of separating from their parents/carers in order to become independent adults, the drive to belong to groups outside the family becomes imperative. Having NO friends is not an option. Come and learn about an approach that holds a mirror up to friendship difficulties to help young people understand why things might be going wrong.

Jacqui Gallagher, DSL at BSCS




Relational and restorative approaches in schools

Restorative approaches articulate with and compliment all other relational approaches and strongly influence the emotional atmosphere in a learning community. A restorative approach provides a framework of values, thinking and language that is helpful when ‘something’ needs to be restored.

Janie Ashburner, Associate Leader, PCS



Finished the morning with a lovely lunch and networking with our Olympus colleagues.