Olympus Academy Trust

Our Vision

Our Vision and Values

To support and enable all learners to believe in themselves, achieve beyond their expectations and develop the knowledge needed to succeed and enjoy life.


At Olympus our vision as a multi-academy Trust is to develop excellence in every phase of a learner’s journey from Early Years to Post 16, and to be considered an employer of choice, education provider of choice and community partner of choice.

Each school within the Trust to be:

1) recognised as a centre of excellence and nurture for its learners

2) independent, strongly led and self-improving

3) an integral part of its local community and valued as such

4) giving support to and receiving support from other schools within the Trust

5) successfully engaging with parents/carers to support learner progress, well-being and achievement

6) offering opportunities for learners beyond their own school, through collaboration

We aim to develop the Trust’s core values, to promote respect and the skills for life-long learning.